What if the driver cannot access my address?
Your address must be an easily accessible location and the driver must be able to drive within 25m / 80ft of the collection or delivery point. If this is not possible, it is likely the collection or delivery will fail. If this happens, we will email you to obtain a suitable alternative location for your collection or delivery.
If you feel the driver may not be able to access your address, please let us know and we can provide additional information to the driver to try and reduce any risk of the collection or delivery failing. Please note drivers will not call on arrival.
Other 'Delivery' Questions
What kind of addresses can you collect from and deliver to? Can I change my delivery name, delivery address or telephone number? What do I do if I miss the delivery driver? Can I arrange a new delivery? How long will it take for my bag to arrive? What time will my bag be delivered? Will I receive a telephone call? How do I know when my bag will be out for delivery? Can someone else sign for my bag, do I have to be there? My doorbell doesn’t work. How will I know when the driver arrives? Can I delay my delivery without delaying the collection? Can I change my delivery date? It is my estimated delivery date and my bag hasn't been delivered? Can I collect my bag? Can I redirect to a different delivery address? Can you hold my bag? Do you offer a storage service? Will I receive a telephone call before delivery? Why haven’t all my items been delivered? My bag is showing as delivered but I haven’t received it? Can I claim for late delivery? My bag or contents has been delivered damaged, how do I make a claim? Do you collect and deliver on weekends or Bank Holidays?Email Us
Contact us by email and we will get back to you ASAP.
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