EasyJet Reveals Cyber-Attack
Tuesday, 19 May 2020

EasyJet has disclosed that 9 million customers personal information, including email addresses and travel details, was accessed in a “highly sophisticated” cyber-attack.
A total of 2,208 customers also had their credit card details stolen and those individuals should have already been contacted by easyJet. A deadline of May 26 has been set by the low-cost airline to inform all other customers affected by the attack.
At present, easyJet say there is no evidence that personal information has been “misused”. However, the chief executive, Johan Lundgren, apologised for the incident and has urged customers to be “extra vigilant,” due to the prospect of potential phishing scams.
It is not clear how the breach occurred, but the airline reported the incident to the National Cyber Security Centre and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Concerns are sure to be mounting within the company with a heavy fine being a likely possibility. Last year British Airways was fined £183m after the personal information of half a million customers was stolen. A fine of this magnitude would not be welcome by the Luton based easyJet who are, like many other airlines, already facing significant financial pressure as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
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